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Video Example of Leadership Team Training

Developing Responsibility-Centered Leaders

Greetings Clients and Consultants,

Dr. Mary Hopewell, Associate Director, focuses her work on developing responsibility-centered leaders.  To support the development of leaders, the National Center offers two approaches: a comprehensive Leadership Academy, and stand-alone Professional Learning Trainings.   Each learning approach is customized, based on the interests of the Superintendent/CEO and the needs of the organization, school district, or charter school. The delivery models are also customized.  We offer on-site, virtual, streaming, and hybrid approaches to each of the topics listed below:

  • Leadership Styles (DiSC): Working More Effectively with Others

  • Responsibility-Centered Leaders (Focus on Lencioni’s The Motive)

  • High-Performing Teams (Focus on Lencioni’s The Ideal Team Player)

  • Creating a Healthy Environment for Addressing Conflict (Focus on Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions)

  • Building a Service Culture (Focus on Mohammad’s Transforming School Culture)

  • Organizational Leadership (Focus on Wiseman’s The Multipliers)

  • Organizational Change (Focus on Collins’ Good to Great)

  • Professional Learning Communities (Focus on  DuFour’s Learning By Doing)

  • Leading with Political Intelligence (Focus on White’s, Harvey’s, and Fox’s The Politically Intelligent Leader)

The video below provides a flavor and feel for the Leadership Academy if the Superintendent/CEO of a district or organization preferred to “stream” the content.  In the streaming approach, each professional learning Module/Topic is approximately two hours long and structured in a 6-week format. Colleague conversations with thought partners, research reading from a selected source, and extended learning activities are essential parts of the training.

By choosing the streaming option, it becomes, in essence, an on-demand type of professional learning.  The client/participants can access the training anywhere and anytime by receiving a password-protected link within the NC website.  An accompanying Trainer of Trainer Facilitation Guide is an optional service.

Below is a video (an 8-minute snippet) showing examples taken from the Leadership Academy, utilizing the streaming approach.  It is a montage of pieces taken from the Organizational Leadership Module.  We hope the snippets provide context to the training streaming support services.  By choosing the streaming option, versus a face-to-face or virtual training format, an organization would own the copyrighted content for up to 3 years or until the Superintendent/CEO leaves the organization, whichever comes first. 

As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the National Center at 209-765-4818 or email me at

Walt L. Hanline, Ed.D, Executive Director

Video Example of Leadership Academy Training - Streamed Content

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